Dreams have meaning
Worth recognizing is this quote by Albert Einstein. The full quote reads: “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Einstein was talking about particles in Physics, but I still find this quote relevant for life’s problematic and difficult situations. Let’s explore a bit further to find out how dreams provide us with clear indicators on how we manage difficulties.
In other words, when you face problems/complications in life, your tendency might be to simply tolerate them. Even when you know full well that process can keep you stuck. Your perspective on how to simplify and find solutions can get skewed and appear more difficult than necessary.
The word difficult implies the presence of obstacles to be surmounted – those puzzling aspects of life that eventually need resolution. The bigger question remains “Do I have the skill and the courage to do this?” And “will I have the tenacity to keep moving forward to solve the problem?” Some situations demand greater exertion or effort, and this is where you decide if you are up to the challenge.
Self-disclosure dreams
I am not referring to your collection of physical objects, although that may certainly may fit in some cases. Rather, I want to point out how emotions often tend to entangle and complicate life. They clutter around us much like those infamous dust bunnies we find under the furniture. Both troublesome and inconvenient, they consistently challenge our resolve to rid life completely of them. Those pesky little devils!
Our emotional issues, referred to as baggage, reflect adversities and negative experiences brought about solely on how we view life. If I view life in a positive way, I won’t think, feel or find it hard to find peace. In the midst of difficulty, I will always be looking for opportunities of light to replace despair.
Is there no peace – even in sleep? Not really, because it is there that a dream rapidly exposes the baggage we carry. Those are dreams that reflect the conditions of the heart. Call these self-disclosure dreams because they communicate internal identity – those heart issues that define self-worth, purpose, and emotional state. Left unchecked, emotional baggage will keep piling up with lasting consequences.
What’s your MO (modus operandi)?
Pay close attention to the sequence of emotions, characters, and symbols formulated within the context of the dream. They reveal so much of the negativity we process during waking hours.
If my MO (modus operandi) in tough times labels me a victim, then I face difficult hurdles. Not taking responsibility for my emotional responses limits my ability to find opportunities. This too, will be reflected through our dreams. Call these self-condition dreams.
That ever-increasing challenge to pull oneself up and over that mountain of despair will often seem insurmountable. In my experience, mountain challenges of this type prolong our suffering, thereby, putting off people who want to help us. Letting go of that victim label frees you from resentment and bitterness. Therein, lies the real opportunity for success!
Dreams that reveal opportunity
Opportunity means I focus on the positive. No matter how dire my life situation may be, there are always some positives hidden below the surface. I can always find them if I am willing to look.
I do not even have to label myself an eternal optimist to drive this point home. Take a moment to simply lift up your eyes, take in a deep breath while observing the beauty around you. For example, children playing, garden flowers in full bloom, birds in flight, and clouds floating across the expanse of sky. Just a sampling of the beauty that cycles daily around us.
There was a point in my personal life when I found it difficult to see above my circumstances. Forget focusing on the positive. Yes, my dreams were also telling me it was time to take proper action and change my course. However, God’s intent is always to show the dreamer that they can change their situation to a positive outcome. Call these courage dreams.
Looking beyond your circumstances
One day while driving down a stretch of open road, I heard the Lord whisper something very revealing to me. “look up and look out!” Now when I hear the voice of God that clearly, I know a valuable message is designed specifically for me. After several weeks of very vivid dreaming, I recognized a need for a new course direction in my life. Call these directional dreams.
It just so happens that I live in very open sky country surrounded by very tall mountains. On that particular day the sky was a bright robin egg blue with dense billowy clouds scattered throughout. The tall mountain ranges directly ahead covered with fresh snow were so majestic that it momentarily took my breath away. I found myself asking the question “how did I miss this?” Better yet, “why did I miss this?”
In the midst of my difficulty there was an opportunity to rise above my current state of affairs. To see with clarity every good thing I was choosing to ignore while remaining stuck in my problems. My spirit instantly moved from discord to harmony – my emotional clutter dissolving into perfect peace. Psalm 30:11 speaks directly to this “The Lord give strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (NIV) It was a simple act of choosing peace over the discord.
The key to success
The next opportunity was choosing to be thankful in the face of what I deemed hard challenges. I began to focus on what I had rather than what I might potentially one day lose. Even tough times can present valuable lessons for the future if we do not allow ourselves to drown in them. My dreams were certainly painting a very clear picture and the revelation I needed for success.
This is the key – look to a future full of hope, not despair. Re-evaluate the meanings you may be attaching to your life. Do you choose to stay in crisis mode instead of “looking up and out?” In Daniel 2:22 we read, “He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.“(NIV)
From the moment of creation, God has seen potential in you setting a plan and purpose in motion to fulfill it. This very potential can be thwarted by subconscious fears and painful life experiences. However, God wants to call you out of your history and back into your destiny.
Final Reflections
I leave you with this final thought. Victor frankl, a well-known neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor once penned this statement about our decision making. “Man is not subject to the conditions that confront him; rather, these conditions are subject to his decisions.” This profound thought was based on his experiences in various Nazi concentration camps.
Question: Are you willing to make decisions today that enable you to find opportunities even in the midst of difficulties? The first step may appear the hardest, but we all need to begin somewhere. Never underestimate your ability to influence an outcome; and, by all means, pay attention to your dreams!