“To sleep perchance to dream” is that celebrated soliloquy from Shakespeare’s famous play Hamlet. How curious that even Shakespeare understood the importance of a peaceful night’s rest. Furthermore, how curious that dreams were at the forefront of his thoughts when he penned this famous line.
It is my belief that when we fully begin to grasp the meaning of our dreams, a new connection (perhaps even a conversation) is forged with the Creator of the Universe. Acknowledging that God may be speaking to you through a dream can bring encouragement to your spirit. It may even appear much like a prophetic statement waiting to be embraced by you, the dreamer.
Ponder this verse from Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying ‘this is the way, walk in it’.” (NIV Bible translation)
A very simple one line sentence speaks volumes into both your soul and your spirit. No matter where you go and no matter which way you turn, God has no limitations on how He chooses to speak with you. He desires to make you the focal point of His conversation, to offer solace or even provide direction if you are willing to listen.
God loves to connect with you and when we enter into that dream state, we instantly become a captive audience. Who knows what your dreams may reveal — you just have to be curious enough to explore their meanings.
Both the mystery and God are always hidden in the details!