Hi, I’m Terrie Phillips and I sincerely enjoy helping others understand the deeper meaning of a dream. Let me introduce you to some basic information on the sequence of dreaming:
Do you know that dreaming is part of our DNA and those specific genes in our DNA are referred to as Chrm 1 and Chrm 3. Without these specific genes, man would not experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep necessary for dreaming. REM sleep is when most dreaming occurs – your eyes move rapidly in different directions and your heart rate increases while your breathing becomes more irregular. REM sleep is very important for emotion regulation and memory. You’re clearing the brain of things that aren’t needed. It is also the peak of protein synthesis at the cellular level, which keeps many processes in the body working properly. Your body will cycle thru REM sleep about 90 minutes after falling asleep.
Note: There are three stages of sleep we process thru each and every night – and these occur multiple times a night. Stage 1 is very quick and is when your brain begins to dip into sleep; but you don’t feel like you are asleep. Stage 2 is what we refer to as light sleep. It is very important because it takes up more than half the night while your body uses this time to process memories and emotions – plus your metabolism regulates itself. Stage 3 is deep sleep time for the body. The muscles of the body are very relaxed, breathing slows down, and the heart rate becomes more regular. The body utilizes this time to rebuild and repair itself and even strengthen your immune system. You are not dreaming at all during the stage 3 of sleep.
Beyond scientific and logical reasoning, dreaming is a necessary part of our life. Question: Why would a Creator equip us with such a fascinating tool? I believe it is about pursuit – His very real and personal quest to be relational with humankind – in our waking hours as well as in our sleeping hours. The hidden mysteries of God wait to be revealed through a dream – and that dreamscape can provide a vast world of communication between you and the Lord you love.
“For God does speak – now one way, now another – though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds.” (Job 33:14-15 NIV)
Aristotle once wrote “All men by nature desire to know.” Human history records this statement as true but never implies that the human mind seeks only to understand the scientific. We are explorers of both nature and the universe, yet we yearn for deeper understanding of God, infinity and eternity – those philosophical questions of how our mind, will and emotions influence our connections with one another. Dreams are one more important element that helps further our “desire to know.”
We often question why do I dream? This subject plagued mankind for centuries with the answer becoming more complex by man wanting to reason it out scientifically. What if it was just a simple answer? Throughout the Bible, God has given instructions and prophetic revelations to people through dreams. Conversations and encounters with Him are not out of the ordinary realm of reason. This creative force within us – this quest for knowledge has given rise throughout history to artists, inventors, entrepreneurs, writers and scientists alike. Many have solved difficult problems and found their creative spark through a simple dream. I welcome you to come explore with me as we take time to discover together the hidden mystery behind dreams. Perhaps one day you, too will discover, invent, or create something truly extraordinary!
*Daniel 2:27
“Daniel replied, no wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.“

– The Book of Daniel 2:22 (NIV)
“He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.”
My personal road to understanding the mystery behind dreams began in the late 1960’s. Years later I began seeking God for wisdom about dreams while diligently studying their complexities. It was then that my revelations took on a deeper meaning and I felt a release to help others. I recently published a book “Conversations and Encounters with God in the night” currently available on Amazon and through Barnes & Noble. It describes my personal journey of discovery into the hidden mysteries behind how and why we dream.
I have been interpreting the dreams of others for 18 years. Several dream seminars, conferences, Women’s Aglow, mission trips to Bolivia, and local small group teachings have provided me with a platform to teach and share. I show others that even a short dream correctly interpreted reveals God actively involved in the details of our life. Most recently I led a 4-part Webinar on dreams that can be viewed on YouTube (check out the link provided on this website). People continue to trust and send me their dreams on an ongoing basis.
Published author of “Conversations and Encounters with God in the night”
Speaker and teacher on how and why we dream from a Christian perspective.
Previous leadership:
*Director, Healing Rooms at Horizon Christian Church, Sparks, NV.
*Prayer Team and Pastor’s Prayer Shield member.
*Life Group Leader
*Counseling minister, Horizon Christian church, Sparks, NV
Terrie’s story of transforming her own understanding of why we dream has inspired many to explore their own dreams. She firmly believes that everything written in the Word of God is still relevant for today and a standard to live by. Yes, you can gain direction for your life through a dream – once you receive that revelation, you will begin to delight in God’s night season with new-found excitement. She has yet to read In God’s word where He has chosen to close the door on communicating through a dream or a vision. You can read more about this by clicking on the topics in the upper right-hand corner of this website. There are categories on the following: About – Contact – Videos – Blog.